Known countries in the Wide World are listed below. All of these are in the same continent as Yurpsland. At the bottom is a map of that continent. Other places are know to exist (at least by the E Family) as Panegates exist to some of those locations().
- Agrada
- Akbar (Ackbar in the map below)
- Ambir (From the map below)
- Aruba
- Azimuth
- Blefuscu
- Coradine
- Fantippo Monday, September 16, 2013()
- Hibora (From the map below)
- Honaly
- Incana
- Jumbaya Monday, September 16, 2013()
- Kaylu
- Khore (From the map below)
- Kuzco
- Lower Slubovia
- Mardi (From the map below)
- Mechana
- Mobab
- Moresnet (From the map below)
- North Niblung Wednesday, December 2, 2009() Friday, April 26, 2013()
- Opar
- Plinth
- Ruratana
- Sibolo Monday, September 16, 2013()
- Skralland
- South Niblung Friday, April 26, 2013()
- Snowgrass
- Thekla
- Thembria
- Tiranog
- Tomania (also known as Kaylu from the map below)
- Uluthec
- Upper Slubovia
- Yurpsland (Home of The Mansion of E. Called "Mansionland" in the map below.)
- Zambez (From the map below)
- Zandu Seen Monday, September 16, 2013()